On the decision to not allow cameras

There are wedding decisions that have required a lot of conversation before April and I agreed. This was not one of those. April had seen conversations about this on quite a few blogs and when she broached the subject with me, I agreed immediately and completely. We are not going to allow cameras at our wedding.

I mean, we’ll have two photographers there and they will have their expensive cameras. More importantly, those expensive cameras will have incredibly skilled photographers at the shutter. I’m not trying to say that our guests aren’t skilled photographers or that they might not be bringing expensive cameras with them to Colorado; I just don’t want our guests to use their photography skills or cameras. I’m going for repetition here in the hopes that this sticks.

The single largest item in the wedding budget by a wide margin is the photographer. We chose to go with Krista Watzel Photography, and the eponymous Krista Watzel, because her pictures captivated both of us. She takes the beautiful, quirky macro shots that April loves and the expansive, panoramic shots that I love. We found out after we made our choice that we had attended a wedding at which she had been the photographer.

Krista had a selection of packages for us to choose between and we ended up going with the most comprehensive one. We will have Krista there for 12 hours and an additional photographer for 10 hours. April used the below photo in her post but I want to show it again so you can really take it in.

Because everything is better though your iPhone.

Because everything is better though your iPhone.

I don’t want my wedding photos to end up like this. When we get our wedding photos back, you can grab a couple and post them to Facebook or print one out to remind yourself what an amazing wedding it was.

You may be tempted to think, “I’ll just stay out of the way and sneak a photo as they cut the cake.” When your phone’s flash goes off as the official photographer takes her photo, there goes our perfect picture.

Also, I don’t want you watching our wedding through the screen of your phone. When I proposed to April, I didn’t tell anyone because I wanted them focused on what was happening, not trying to frame the shot. Don’t frame the shot, just be there in the moment with us. Please.